Down Under

I created this blog to help me as I go through IVF. I feel quite isolated and have found other blogs very helpful. I need somewhere to vent and ramble on, whilst I'm probed and prodded down under.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I don't have many stats. to report, in fact I feel a little bit left out. The clinic I go to doesn't appear to do blood tests during stims, at least I've never had one.

I can report that at the muff wanding this morning there were 8 follicles in each ovary. They are still small, although they feel bigger and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. I stay on the 225 of Gonal-F and go back for a scan on Saturday morning before work. Interesting thing is that I maintain the dosage, often I have to start dropping back by now. I think this may be the difference between when I have done flare cycles and down reg. cycles, this is the longest down reg. I've done. My Dr said that I'm on track and he won't increase the dosage as I'll go "Kaboom!!" (his words), always mindful of the OHSS.

I'll update again on Saturday when I know more.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Eggs Akimbo said...

'Muff Wanding'...fantastic phrase!

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Bittermama said...

It's great to see an update from you. And 16 measurable follices is fantastic!

I honestly don't know what I'd do without bloodwork results to obsess over. Then again, at every single monitoring appointment, the RE has been able to predict his decision based on follicle sizes alone. He always says "we'll see what the bloodwork says, though" but the bloodwork never changes anything.

Good luck, MC! Can't wait for your next monitoring appointment!

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Sparkle said...

Fantastic MC, everyhting going really well.
This is the first cycle where I've decided to 'ask' what my blood results are - since I've felt totally ignorant compared to other blogs I read.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Donna said...

"Kaboom" is not a word we want used in a discussion about ovaries. I always got gobs of detail at my appointments and now I wish I had remained in the dark about some of it, I just spent more time analyzing something I couldn't change. Good luck!

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I found your blog and as a fellow IVFer I know what you're going through. Sounds like the quantity is great. Sending lots of grow follies grow vibes your way. I'll be checking in to see how your cycle goes. Lots of luck to you!

At 6:32 AM, Blogger heleen + rod said...

Hey MC, I'm a bit worried about you, if you say they don't do bloodwork. The oestrogen levels in your blood indicate if you are at risk of OHHS. In case the levels rise over 7500 or 10,000 you are entering the danger zone. When all 16 follicles start growing the levels can get pretty high. Maybe you should talk about it again with your doctor?

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Pamplemousse said...

Keep it up, Meg. No kabooming round your way, though.


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