Down Under

I created this blog to help me as I go through IVF. I feel quite isolated and have found other blogs very helpful. I need somewhere to vent and ramble on, whilst I'm probed and prodded down under.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Bloating out

Not much going on. Have had six Gonal-F injections with a 7th coming up tonight. Had a scan today and everything is on track. Then another scan coming up on Thursday morning. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable already, there is swelling and it's about this time that I don't like doing much yoga or pilates. I can't stand the feeling of pressure being amplified on my stomach area. Also that squeamish thing comes into it again. The cycle I had cancelled due to OHSS (40 wasted eggs), was when the Dr described how my ovaries were so big they were touching and something other else about them being folded back. I tuned out as I was feeling grossed out.

I don't know how other people feel about exercise. I can generally keep walking the dogs, although I get a bit breathy towards the last few days of injections. The Drs and nurses always say it's ok to exercise but I'm scared I'll burst an ovary or something.

Still on the synarel. It makes me sneeze and swells up my sinuses. I wake up in the morning feeling like someone poured concrete in my head overnight. Then after the spray for a few hours it feels as though someone is poking hot wire up my sinuses. Don't feel as cranky as last time as was virtually straight on Gonal-F and not just on the spray.

Went to the dentist yesterday and refused to have an x-ray done. I suddenly got all paranoid and didn't want radiation near the eggs. Of course I didn't want to tell him the whole truth, so when he asked if I was pregnant, I said I didn't know as I had miscarried recently and had to see my Dr today. He said so you might be pregnant best not to x-ray then. Then he preceded to tell me the miscarriage was for the best and finished off with at least you know you are fertile. I couldn't wait to tell my husband and for some reason we just found it one of the funniest things, almost funnier than the acts we saw at the comedy festival last week.

One of the things that helps me forget this IF shit. At least something's fertile around this house.


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