Down Under

I created this blog to help me as I go through IVF. I feel quite isolated and have found other blogs very helpful. I need somewhere to vent and ramble on, whilst I'm probed and prodded down under.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


This morning I went for another scan and everything is progressing well. So far 16 follicles and looks like pick-up on Monday or Tuesday. I'm hoping Tuesday as I will be back at school from holidays next week and need the Monday to organise my classes. It's just a little added bit of stress, it would have been easier if it could have happened this week during the holidays.

I actually really hate my job. I loathe it so much that I can't believe I make it to work everyday. Probably because I have such good friends there it keeps me going and obviously the money, morgage, bills etc. Many people have said to me why don't I take long service leave, I have a bit saved up. I have contemplated it, but I don't want to spend long service leave having needles, spray, scans etc. done. I want to spend long service leave free of all that stuff. Besides it's only been with the start of IVF that I have taken days off work. Most of my appointments I take at 7.30 am and 5.00pm so I don't miss work. I'm rarely sick and have a huge amount of sick days saved up. So for the moment I'll keep working and dream about winning Tatts, so that I never have to teach again and could do IVF without having to pay off thousands of dollars on my credit card for every Stim cycle.


At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say "hello". I found you on ankaisa's blog and it looks like all of us are cycling together. I am so sorry about your miscarriage and I am hoping good things for all of us.

Take care.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger ankaisa said...

Looks like we will have our retrievals on the same day or at least close! I'm going in tomorrow to see when my ret is, but I'm strongly suspecting Monday.

And I hear you about hating your job. I would quit, too, if I just could. And you are right, a leave where you have to stick yourself with needles is not really a vacation at all!

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

still thinking about you and hope you are well.


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