7 or 8
I have had two scans over the last 4 days and it looks like I have about 15 follicles. Trigger is tonight and ER is on Thursday. I actually can't remember what number IVF I'm up to. It's partly Gonal-F brain syndrome and partly that they all blur into one.
Before I started writing this an exstudent came to see us. He came to say that he has started uni and loves it. He was conceived through IVF(he told his class in science), I'm guessing among the first in Victoria. He is a sweet, intelligent and thoroughly nice person. I sat there wishing, hoping that this cycle works. I know it has worked before, but with each failure I'm losing hope. On Saturday it will be a year since I miscarried in very public (and a little embarrassing) circumstances.
I didn't go to pilates last night as I'm quite sore and uncomfortable. The thought of squeezing any of my stomach muscles was too much. I'll wag yoga tonight for the same reason. I'm very bloated around the middle. Only one more day of fitting in to work clothes then it's tracky dacs for the next 4 or 5. I also have been having bouts of nausea off and on.
I'll report back after ER and let's hope a better fertilization rate than last time.